Sarah’s farewell…

Red Ant said goodbye to Sarah today. And after 8 years at the Ant, she will be sorely missed. To celebrate/commiserate, we took her to Art House and got drunk. Hilarity ensued… here are some of the finest pics from the night. (by the way, for those who don’t know her, she’s the little one… and for those that DO know her.. get it?!) (oh, and an honorable mention goes out to the Italian Stallion, for his effort in front of the camera!)

ooh, is that a server I see before me?!

So, the plastic has been taken off and the foam all broken apart to resemble a winter wonderland, and it’s back to business as shiftperception celebrates it’s first day on a new and entirely local server. IF all has gone according to plan, the only difference you’ll see is this post – otherwise im typing into the old site, and this post will never be seen. Spoooky….

BlackApache gets a makeover…

Ill be brief. OJ at BlackApache has updated his site, and will be bombarding us all with the sounds of one hand typing in the woods. Here’s a picci of his ugly mug just cause I can (and of course the lovely Amy) :

Back in the game…

Yes, it’s been a long LONG time, and I kept promising myself I’d be more active and motivated, but life has always gotten in the way. Well, now I have no excuses, and I plan to drop a line into the void much more often than I have in the past 2 years (which is kinda easy cause anything is better than zero !!)

Anyway, im embarking on a brave new world of Ruby, continuing the Flash epic, and trying ever so hard to get out there and see the world… all of which I intend to share with whoever cares :) I’ll also attempt to categorise stuff well enough so that if you couldnt care less about my life, but just want to see cool stuff, you can skip the boring parts!

Right, so welcome to You wish you were here and I hope you enjoy your stay…