Clever, but tasteless…

Found around the Pyrmont area, these Lost signs are actually subversive advertising for the new dating website Meet My Friend.


And while it certainly catches your eye (which I guess is the whole point), it stretches the friendship when you realise that it’s not some poor sod whose gone missing, but some start-up looking for clients. It seems I’m not the only one who feels this way either.

It’s the name of the game I guess. Illicit a reaction from the viewer, in the hope that they will tell their friends what they saw. Increase brand awareness at minimal cost. Viralness. And if you look it at it from that point of view, it certainly works. After all, im blogging about it, so it got me talking/thinking/reacting didn’t it?

However, beside the fact im married, this kind of advertising would not lead me to actually use the service. If this kind of guerrilla campaign turns people 50/50, then id be in the camp that get turned away, not towards. My 2 cents.

  • OJ

    I haven’t seen anything like this around the traps, but I admit that I’d be a bit narked with it if I did see it. The real question is: would I do the same thing if I was trying to get a site like that off the ground?

    Hrm… the jury is still out on that one :)

    BTW, good to see you blogging again ya mug!

  • dan

    Aye, that is the question. I guess it depends on what it is you’re prepared to do, or more importantly, what it is you feel you need to do.

    The old adage, “do no evil” springs to mind, but when the lines are gray and not black or white, we are left to ponder what is evil.

    It all comes down to individual reaction.