Mexico, Day 2-4

So, our first REAL day in Mexico Distrito Federal (Mexico City).

We started by heading over to Coyacan to meet Ailin’s old friend Ale for breakfast in Samborns – I had Flor de Calabaza (zuccini flower) crepes, Ailin a sweet bread role, and all – as much coffee as we could drink!!! By the end of breakfast, we were jumping from the walls!!!

Ale has just completed her thesis – and it is enormous!! And it is just her undergraduate thesis!!! Very hard working woman. Ailin got a nice little credit for her support (and brain), which was a very nice touch.

We then took a tour of Mexico DF on a Microbus – which if you ever get the chance to ride in, is sort of like a washing machine on wheels. Very cheap though – for the two of us, 5 pesos (approx 50c). Awesome :) We made our way to Mexico’s own World Trade Centre, where we had the best coffee (in Mexico) that I have ever had!! It almost felt like we were back in Sydney… so it was time to go eat some more tacos with our hosts Dari y Juan Pablo :)

While on the tour of Mexico DF, we took some nice shots of various different mexican fresh produce – and pay special attention to the cost of bananas (75c per kilo) and limes (70c per kilo)!!! I Love Mexico.

The following day we headed to Puerto Vallarta – which is where this post is being written. Puerto Vallarta is on the west coast of Mexico, just north of Acapulco. There has been a few movies made here, if you are interested… on with Havery Keytel, the other with Liz Taylor. Go check them out for a run down. I don’t think much has changed here since they were filmed – at least the resort we are staying in hasn’t. It is full of character, and ants!! But seriously, the city is quite large and there are constantly more hotels being built up and down the peninsula.

Ailin’s cousin Bernardo lives here, and he owns a vehicle rental company in town. And coincidentally right above his shop is an awesome restaurant, where we had our first west coast meal since arriving…. and yet again, the food was ¡Qué delicioso!

Today we took a washing machine out of town to a beach called “Boca de Rio”. The ride was bumpy, but the destination was a beautifully secluded beach/bay (think Sussex Inlet, but much smaller). We stayed there the whole day, drinking alcohol and eating Empanadas de Camarón (shrimp) and beautiful guacemole.

I think Ailin is too stressed, she’s only had 2 margaritas since we arrived in Mexico. I on the other hand, am TOTALLY relaxed – having consumed my weight in beer in the last 3 days… and twice that in tacos!!!

Here’s some piccies to keep you amused until next we speak. Hope everyone is well, and took our exciting news equally as well. Fla y Hernan, ¡qué tal las plantitas de chile, todavía vivas? hehehe.