SWFObject for WordPress

Just testing a new plugin I downloaded for WordPress to insert Flash objects using SWFObject. If you can see stuff below, then it’s worked :) Find out more here
[kml_flashembed movie="/blog/swf/test.swf" height="150" width="400" /]

Ruby on rails

So, im sure im probably about a year behind the rest of the world… but I have started in ernest to learn the magic and mystery of Ruby on rails. For those (like me) in a wooden box with no window, Ruby is a server language (like PHP or *cough* ASP) and Rails is a framework that helps plebs like me to develop things faster and stronger.

Anyway, as part of my role at Red Ant I’ll now be honing my skills and posting some interesting experiments and progress reports as I go. I’ll be using Instant Rails, which has Apache, Ruby, MySQL, Rails, et al, all rolled into one small little folder. No nasty installs to worry about. I’ll prob use SqlYog to modify my databases, and a basic text editor for the code.