Been looking at alternative font-replacement techniques of late, and have just received my beta invite to The idea behind their service, is that they host the fonts, you pay a monthly fee, and you can embed whatever font from their lib into your site via js and css. No flash/image/php replacement techniques, no hiding text off the page, it’s the font as you want it.
Ive only had a brief look at it thus far – but so far, it seems quite nifty! Check out the results below (please isgnore the styling – this is just an experiment!!) :
This is a header using a font from – this is not an image!!!
You can copy/paste me!! Phasellus volutpat blandit augue, quis viverra lacus dictum at. Donec commodo volutpat ante, hendrerit lacinia turpis scelerisque at. Sed sed odio ut risus aliquet dignissim. Sed in tempor lacus. Nunc turpis felis, aliquet consequat egestas sit amet, fringilla vel diam. Vestibulum est purus, laoreet sit amet faucibus nec, consectetur a ligula. Mauris vel sapien nisl. Curabitur dignissim nisl at magna molestie at placerat mi viverra. In vulputate, nisl nec hendrerit tincidunt, ipsum arcu vulputate lectus, eget elementum diam sem sed arcu. Sed non nibh neque, sed euismod elit. Pellentesque in lorem arcu, at luctus sem. Mauris vel turpis vel dui tincidunt faucibus. Ut et libero massa, sit amet dictum erat. Nam aliquet mattis neque eget posuere.
There are a couple of issues I can see straight away :
1. the size of the file needed to load means that there is a lag between seeing your embedded font and the fallback font – similar to the old days of sIFR
2. as more people use the service, the capacity to serve up font files will be put under a lot of stress – but hopefully they can keep up with demand and this wont become an issue